The Supreme Court will review a case of blatant racism by prosecutors. For once, there’s a paper trail. Caption:Prosecutors highlighted each black prospective juror’s name in green and wrote that the green highlighting “represents blacks.” 2015/5/27-The prosecutors seeking to send …..
2015/05/27 – A popularly cited statistic involves private corrections companies pouring over third-grade reading scores in a given jurisdiction to project how many prison beds will be needed in a decade, when those illiterate third graders go off track and run …..
2015/27/05 – Two students. One is black and the other is white. On Tuesday, they both refuse to complete the math worksheet. On Wednesday, neither will stop talking during lessons. Same behavior. Will they receive the same punishment? A new Stanford …..
2015/05/26 – Hinds County officials said immediate actions are being taken to address the concerns raised in a report by the U.S. Department of Justice on the status of the troubled jail facilities in Jackson and Raymond. Those actions include …..
2015/5/26- The Cleveland Police Department, which has become a flash point in the racially charged debate over police tactics, has agreed to follow some of the most exacting standards in the nation over how and when its officers can use …..