A victim with a history of shooting at cops. A prosecutor accused of being compromised. An officer who may’ve known his target. There’s a new police slaying case. It’s not at all simple. 2015/1/22-At first glance, it appeared to be …..
For parents of children with mental illness, calling the police for help when a kid becomes violent or agitated can devolve into a nightmare. 2015/1/16-On Nov. 12 of last year, 37-year-old Tanisha Anderson left the home she shared with her …..
2015/01/05 – In a classic study on race, psychologists staged an experiment with two photographs that produced a surprising result. They showed people a photograph of two white men fighting, one unarmed and another holding a knife. Then they showed another …..
2015/01/05 – Community policing is expensive and, in an era of budget cuts, increasingly rare. It’s also essential to fixing the relationship between police and the communities they serve. Pittsburgh police chief Cameron McLay angered some police officers and pleasantly surprised their …..
It’s been an exceptionally awful year. 2014/12/29 – The world may not actually be falling apart—but it feels like America is. From police brutality and botched executions to voter suppression and election corruption, 2014 was a terrible year for civil liberties in …..