Two Baltimore Correctional Officers Arrested for Looting During Riots

2015/5/15-Baltimore correctional officers Tamika Cobb and Kendra Richard have been charged with theft and burglary after being caught on camera leaving a closed 7-11 with stolen goods. They have been suspended without pay.

The burglary took place on April 25, just weeks after 25-year-old Freddie Gray died while in police custody from spinal cord injuries. Following Gray’s death, thousands took to the streets in protest.

The Baltimore Sun’s Colin Campbell reports:

In the video, posted to YouTube, Richard is seen coming out of the store holding Slim Jims, while Cobb has Tostitos chips, police said. Police identified Richard as the woman exiting the store wearing yellow tennis shoes, black Adidas jogging pants and a jean jacket. They said Cobb was the one in yellow shoes, blue pants and a black sweatshirt with a large white graphic on the front…

Neither Cobb nor Richard had attorneys listed in court records. No one could be reached at an address listed for Cobb. A woman who answered the phone at an address listed for Richard said no one with that name lived there.

“Our Intelligence and Investigative Division did an outstanding job, immediately following-up on this tip,” said Stephen T. Moyer, Secretary of the Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services. “We will not allow the vast majority of our employees who are honest and hardworking to be tainted by the actions of a few.”


Source: Salon

Joanna Rothkopf

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