Pub Owner Allegedly Aimed Gun at Black Couple

2015/5/14-An International Drive pub owner was arrested last weekend after holding a young black couple at gunpoint and making racist comments while threatening to shoot them, Orlando police records show.

Kim Bruns, who owns the Orlando George & Dragon British Pub, is charged with pulling a gun on Kayla Davis, 21, and her boyfriend Darian Elwin after they arrived to celebrate his 20th birthday, records state.

“It’s all false accusations,” said Bruns, 51, when reached Wednesday afternoon. “I have black people who work for me. I have never used a racial slur.”

Bruns’ attorney Rose Feller said, “It is too early in the investigation to determine what has happened. … I am sure all parties’ interests and motives will come to light.”

The incident happened shortly before 6:30 p.m. Saturday inside the pub next to the Wet ‘n Wild Orlando water park, records state.

Davis and Elwin decided to stop at the pub after receiving an online discount for dinner.

In an interview Wednesday, Davis said the trouble began when she asked Bruns for a drink recommendation, as she had just turned 21 two months earlier. Bruns made her a Kamikaze cocktail, Davis said.

“As soon as she gave it to me, she said, ‘I’m watching you, and you better not give any drinks to minors,'” Davis said. “It felt weird and racist a little bit.”

Davis said that comment and another bar employee asking her whether she was OK bothered Davis enough that she returned the untouched drink and told Bruns she and her boyfriend were leaving. But the bar owner told other customers, “Don’t let that [multiple profanities] leave,” the arrest report states.

That’s when Bruns is accused with stepping out of the barroom and returning with a large black revolver police later confiscated and identified as a .357-caliber Magnum Colt Python, according to the arrest report.

“Bruns pointed the firearm at her and stated, “I will shoot you [profanity],” according to the arrest report. “Bruns then picked up a drinking glass from the bar, throwing it at Davis. The glass missed and shattered against the wall.”

After the glass-throwing incident, Elwin told police he offered to pay for the drink so they could leave, but Bruns started swearing at him.

“I’ll shoot you too if I have to. It’s legal,” Bruns said, according to the arrest report. “Call Jesse Jackson, [profanity].”

That’s when police arrived, according to the report.

Bruns refused to allow police to view a surveillance-camera video of the confrontation after first claiming she never threatened Davis and Elwin with a gun.

After being charged with aggravated assault with a firearm and aggravated assault, Bruns was handcuffed and then told an officer, “I can’t believe you would take those [racist profanity] side over mine,” records state.

It was Bruns’ 10th arrest in Florida since 1984. She served 62 days in the Orange County Jail after a 2011 fight at the Blue Jeans Bar in Apopka.

Charged with battery in that case, she pleaded no contest, and adjudication was withheld.

Davis works at an Orlando cellphone store and is enrolling to study business management in the fall at Valencia College. Elwin works in an Orlando sports-shoe store and plans to attend Valencia in the fall, she said.


Source: Orlando Sentinel

Henry Pierson Curtis

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