Mississippi Ends Testing Requirement For Diploma

2015/03/23 – It’s official: Mississippi high school seniors no longer must pass all four subject-area tests to graduate.

State Board of Education members voted Friday on the change, which takes effect immediately.

According to the new policy, this year’s seniors who failed one or more of their subject-area tests can apply for graduation by demonstrating adequate mastery of course content when taking into account both the test score and the grade they earned in the related class.

Next year’s seniors will be able to graduate if they achieve a combined minimum score from all four tests. Or they can apply for graduation by demonstrating mastery.

Starting in the 2016-2017 school year, however, subject-areas test scores will account for 25 percent of a student’s final grade in the related course. There are four courses, each with its own subject-area test: Algebra I, English II, Biology and U.S. History.

Students take the tests upon completion of the courses, which are offered in grades 8-12. Those who are concerned about graduating should meet with their counselors to discuss these new options, the agency said.

Of this year’s seniors, 3,856 – about 13 percent – have failed at least one subject-area test at some point since the eighth grade, according to the Mississippi Department of Education. If they still cannot graduate despite the new policy, the students will have an opportunity to retake the tests this summer and again in fall.

Mississippi’s overall graduation rate is 75.5 percent.

“This option gives students another way to demonstrate that they have mastered their coursework without making the requirements for graduation contingent upon the outcome of any one particular test,” said John R. Kelly, Board chairman, in a press release. “This policy also preserves the ability of districts and schools to continue using SATP end-of-course test results to measure how well students are learning.”

Test results will continue to be included in the state accountability model, which assigns A-F ratings to schools and school districts based on student performance and other benchmarks.

State Superintendent of Education Carey Wright had first announced her intentions to end the graduation requirement during a legislative meeting earlier this month. It came just as the Senate Education Committee was prepared to pass a bill essentially doing the same thing.

Introduced by state Rep. Deborah Dixon, D-Raymond, House Bill 665 had the support of the Mississippi Association of School Superintendents.

“I authored this bill to give young kids an opportunity to be successful,” Dixon had said in February. “Some students just do not test well. They have success on every front, except standardized test taking. They should not be penalized.”

Contact Emily Le Coz at (601) 961-7249 or elecoz@jackson.gannett.com. Follow @emily_lecoz on Twitter.


What happens now?

Beginning with school year 2014-2015, seniors can graduate by passing the course and meeting one of the following options:

a. Pass the applicable end-of-course subject-area test

b. Use the end-of-course subject-area test score with the overall course grade (For seniors in 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 only. Starting in the 2016-2017 school year, subject-area test scores will constitute 25 percent of a student’s final grade.)

c. Obtain a score of 17 or higher in the specific subject area on the ACT.

d. Earn a C or higher in an entry level, credit-bearing dual enrollment/dual credit /college credit course.

e. Obtain an Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) AFQT (Armed Forces Qualification Test) score of 36, plus the following:

1) Earn a CPAS (Career Planning and Assessment System) score that meets the attainment level assigned by Federal Perkins requirements.

2) Earn an approved Industry Certification as specified in the Career Pathway’s Assessment Blueprint and outlined in Appendix A-5 in the current edition of the Mississippi Public School Accountability Standards.

f. Obtain the Silver Level on the ACT WorkKeys, plusof the following:

1) Earn a CPAS (Career Planning and Assessment System) score that meets the attainment level assigned by Federal Perkins requirements.

2) Earn an approved Industry Certification as specified in the Career Pathway’s Assessment Blueprint and in Appendix A-5 in the current edition of the Mississippi Public School Accountability Standards.


Source: Emily Le Coz

The Clarion Ledgar 

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