Man Perfectly Responds To Police Questioning His ‘Jogging While Black’

10/20/2015-An Alabama man stands up for his rights, and wins.
While going for a jog the other night an Alabama man, Corey Dickerson, was faced with the nightmarish reality many people of color face today: being racially profiled by police. Dickerson decided to take a break to catch his breath when he was stopped by a police officer and asked to identify himself.

In Alabama, police officers are legally allowed to stop any person they suspect of committing a crime and ask the “suspect” to explain their actions. Conscious of this “stop and identify” policy, Dickerson asks if the officer suspects him of committing a crime.

While trying to backtrack, the officer explains that there have been robberies in the neighborhood, and cites a woman living nearby who has been robbed twice. Dickerson, a resident of the neighborhood, is aware of these robberies, noting that they happened years ago.

As a Hail Mary, the officer mentions gun violence in the area, but Dickerson rebuts that scenario involved teenagers, and he is an adult.

After claiming that he had been a victim of police violence before, the officers seem to run out of excuses for stopping Dickerson and the video ends. While he was fortunately spared a more serious interaction, or arrest, the cost to his time and dignity are inestimable.


Source: The Daily Beast

Sara Sayed

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