2015/5/21-On Sunday, there was a deadly biker gang fight and massacre in Waco, Tex. Nine people were killed, and 18 others were injured. “About 170 bikers were charged with engaging in organized crime linked to capital murder,” The New York Times reported. …..
2015/5/21-The memorial to Michael Brown on Canfield Drive has been removed and will be replaced by a plaque, Mayor James Knowles III and Michael Brown Sr. announced Wednesday. Knowles said the Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis will store the …..
2015/05/20 – Forty-five years ago, songs like Edwin Starr’s “War” and Buffalo Springfield’s “For What It’s Worth” took aim at America’s actions in Vietnam and Cambodia, as well as the death count of south Asian citizens and soldiers on both sides …..
2015/05/19 – May 19, 1925: Malcolm X was born Malcolm Little in Omaha, Neb. In prison, he became a follower of Nation of Islam leader Elijah Muhammad but split with him prior to a 1964 pilgrimage to Mecca, where Malcolm X …..
2015/5/20-On the morning of April 12, Michelle Gross woke up to screaming. Gross, known as “mom,” in West Baltimore’s Gilmor Homes area, left her home to find Freddie Gray — someone she called “son” — being dragged into a police van. Note: …..