2015/04/28 – On Monday morning, 25-year-old Freddie Gray was buried, and later that same day, protesters gathered to express their collective frustration with his death while in police custody. Freddie Gray was laid to rest Monday morning, and Monday evening Baltimore …..
2015/04/28 – Before condemning the thugs who are looting and burning the city, Stephanie Rawlings-Blake talked about giving ‘space’ to people intent on destruction, showing a startling lack of common sense. Yes, she said it. Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake stood before the …..
As required in section 1111(b)(8)(C) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, the U.S. Department of Education is asking each State Educational Agency (SEA) to submit a State Plan to Ensure Equitable Access to Excellent Educators (State Plan) …..
2015/04/27 – What is going on in the minds of some cops that frequently prompts empathy for armed white men but unleashes lethal fury on unarmed African-American men? As a ceaseless flat line of tragedies snuffs out the lives of young …..
2015/04/25 – Gov. Phil Bryant wants to pay lip service to state hospitals, but his platitudes aren’t helping their bottom line. The governor is pushing to create healthcare-based economic development zones in the state, but his proposal won’t help medical facilities …..