2015/04/22 – While the federal government is stuck in gridlock, state representatives are busy passing bills that disproportionately affect people of color. Look a little closer and you’ll find that state legislatures are some of the most unapologetic cesspools of racism …..
2015/04/22 – It always happens—just when a fad arrives in Mississippi, the fad’s progenitors become less enamored of it. Take the so-called “third grade reading gate”—which requires students to pass a literacy test before moving to the next grade—now under way …..
2015/04/22-It’s been more than 20 years since passage of the landmark Family and Medical Leave Act, which allows workers to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid time off for medical or family reasons without losing their jobs. Some workers’ …..
2015/4/22- In life, friends say, Freddie Gray was an easygoing, slender young man who liked girls and partying here in Sandtown, a section of west Baltimore pocked by boarded-up rowhouses and known to the police for drug dealing and crime. In …..
Why everyone should join the Fight for $15 protests, regardless of who they are or what they make. 2015/04/18-Chasten Florence was on his lunch break when he decided to join a protest outside a McDonald’s in New York City on …..