2015/06/02 – Media injustice, which leads to both the erasure and criminalization of marginalized communities, has had dire consequences for both the psyches and lived experiences of black people in the United States since at least the 18th century, when newspapers ran …..
2015/06/02 – On July 13, 2013, 33-year-old Jermaine McBean had just purchased a BB gun from a Florida store and was headed home when police spotted him. Police say McBean ignored their orders to drop the weapon, so they fired …..
2015/06/02 – Before being assassinated, Martin Luther King envisioned a Poor People’s Campaigndescending on Washington to demand better education, jobs and social insurance. He saw it as an extension of his work on civil rights, equal in importance and scope. In …..
2015/05/29 – NESBIT, Miss. (AP) — On a muggy evening in northern Mississippi, just a few miles from the Tennessee line, Republican congressional candidate Trent Kelly stood before a few dozen casually dressed people at an outdoor reception and talked about …..
2015/05/29 – The rhetoric around crime is factually wrong and allows some to ignore and pass the blame for systemic misdeeds. For every unarmed black man, woman or child killed by unrestrained police officers, there’s an intellectually impoverished response when black …..