2015/06/26 – The recent tragedy in Charleston, South Carolina has brought renewed attention to the divisive history of the Confederate battle flag. The unfathomable murder of the Charleston Nine has forced us to confront the Confederate flag’s true meaning. To …..
2015/06/24 – JACKSON, MS (Mississippi News Now) – Some Mississippi leaders are calling to remove and change the state’s controversial flag. But others aren’t so sure. “We must always remember our past, but that does not mean we must let it …..
2015/06/24 – WASHINGTON, DC (WLOX) – U.S. Senator Roger Wicker is calling for Mississippi to change its state flag, which includes the Confederate battle symbol. The Mississippi Republican issued a statement Wednesday morning saying, “After reflection and prayer, I now believe …..
2015/06/23 – Mississippi House Speaker Philip Gunn said Monday night that the Confederate emblem in the state’s official flag has to go. “We must always remember our past, but that does not mean we must let it define us,” Gunn, …..
2015/06/19 – Dylann Storm Roof has reportedly confessed to killing nine people at a historic black church in Charleston because he hoped it would start a “race war.” The 21-year-old from Lexington, South Carolina, was taken into custody in Shelby, North Carolina, …..