2015/06/03 – Being black in Mississippi during the Jim Crow era was nothing to live for. Routine lynchings, beatings, unemployment and arbitrary arrest were all a rotten part of a hard life. As an African-American living in the South, voting was …..
2015/5/28-Not so long ago, the murder of Kerrie Orozco, an Omaha police officer, would have been held up as the sort of crime that the death penalty was meant for. On May 20, Ms. Orozco, a seven-year veteran of the …..
2015/05/28 – Mississippi has a rich history in the civil rights movement, that spans four decades. That history is rich and violent, from churches that served as refuges for participants of the movement, to the murder of a civil rights leader …..
2015/5/28-The six Baltimore police officers who were charged this month in the death of Freddie Gray asked a Maryland judge on Wednesday to move their trial from the city, where suspicions of police misconduct provoked both violent unrest and days …..
2015/05/24 – For the Ingram clan, working for the Miami-Dade County transit system has led to regular paychecks, a steady advance up the economic ladder and even romance. By driving buses in Miami’s sun-scraped communities, Richard Ingram and his wife, Susie, …..