2015/05/12 -Almost 600 four-year-olds in Jackson Public Schools can be found this year huddled around Smart Tables or touching the screens of iPad minis and Smart Boards in classrooms. Thanks to an influx of technology materials provided by federal funds, …..
2015/05/12 –Ā The student failure rate of the new third-grade reading test is hitting hard at some low-income school districts that will not easily find the resources to help students pass subsequent tests. Mississippi legislators created the test, often referred as …..
2015/05/08 – WASHINGTON –Ā ACT test takers take note: The No. 2 pencil is losing its cachet. Greater numbers of high school students will be able to take the college entrance exam on a computer next year. The ACT announced Friday …..
2015/05/11 –Ā Jackson Public Schools could retain up to twice as many third graders as the rest of the state. Results from the so-called third-grade gate test, which requires students to demonstrate reading proficiency before moving on to the fourth grade, …..
2015/5/9-The Harlem Children’s Zone is a nonprofit known for its innovative, multifaceted approach to ending the cycle to poverty. It’s garnered kudos from President Obama and philanthropists like William Louis-Dreyfus, who recentlyĀ announcedĀ he would donate up to $50 million to the …..