2015/05/24 – For the Ingram clan, working for the Miami-Dade County transit system has led to regular paychecks, a steady advance up the economic ladder and even romance. By driving buses in Miami’s sun-scraped communities, Richard Ingram and his wife, Susie, …..
Black freedom & opportunity in America has always required the very federal intervention the right wants to destroy 2015/5/27-The continuing decline of public sector jobs at local, state, and federal levels is having an abysmal economic impact on African Americans, …..
2015/27/05 – Two students. One is black and the other is white. On Tuesday, they both refuse to complete the math worksheet. On Wednesday, neither will stop talking during lessons. Same behavior. Will they receive the same punishment? A new Stanford …..
A scholar’s analysis of American culture presumes too much. 2015/5/26-Last week, Gawker interviewed Robin DiAngelo, a professor of multicultural education at Westfield State University. She discussed aspects of her thinking on whiteness, which are set forth at length in her book, What Does it …..
2015/5/22-The Mississippi NAACP is outraged at Gov. Phil Bryant’s latest attempt to link recent, cowardly acts of brutality against members of law enforcement with growing national frustration over police violence against unarmed individuals and general resentment of a lop-sided economic …..