2015/06/05 – It was a pleasantly shocking moment that Dara Solomon and Fela Strickland-Smith will always remember. At Black Enterprise’s Entrepreneurs Summit last month, the magazine awarded the sisters a Small Business Award as Family Business of the Year. The recognition is especially …..
2015/06/03 – Being black in Mississippi during the Jim Crow era was nothing to live for. Routine lynchings, beatings, unemployment and arbitrary arrest were all a rotten part of a hard life. As an African-American living in the South, voting was …..
2015/06/02 – Media injustice, which leads to both the erasure and criminalization of marginalized communities, has had dire consequences for both the psyches and lived experiences of black people in the United States since at least the 18th century, when newspapers ran …..
2015/06/02 – Before being assassinated, Martin Luther King envisioned a Poor People’s Campaigndescending on Washington to demand better education, jobs and social insurance. He saw it as an extension of his work on civil rights, equal in importance and scope. In …..
2005/28/5-For 30 years, the federal government has helped millions of low-income Americans pay their phone bills, saying that telephone service is critical to summoning medical help, seeking work and, ultimately, climbing out of poverty. Now, the nation’s top communications regulator …..