Mississippi State Conference of the NAACP Launches Campaign Aimed at Increasing Physcial Activity

2015/08/19 – Jackson, Mississippi (August 19, 2015) – The Mississippi State Conference of the NAACP announced the launch of a campaign aimed at increasing physical activity in Mississippi communities. The campaign seeks to foster partnerships between community-based organizations and public properties like school playgrounds, tracks and gymnasiums to provide children with a safe place to engage in physical recreation. The goal of shared use agreements is to improve health outcomes for Mississippi’s children.

Mississippi leads the nation in childhood obesity. Nearly 40% of African American children in the state are diagnosed as overweight or obese. “Obesity disproportionately affects African American communities in Mississippi,” said Derrick Johnson, state president of the Mississippi State Conference of the NAACP. “Engaging communities in physical activity will help improve health outcomes”

Regular physical activity has been proven to improve overall health and fitness, and reduce the risk for chronic diseases such as obesity, high school blood pressure and diabetes. “It is important that communities are involved in promoting physical activity for their children,” said Dr. Corey Wiggins, Health Chair for the Mississippi State Conference of the NAACP. “This campaign provides a unique opportunity to educate and engage communities in reducing the harmful impact of childhood obesity by increasing physical activity.”

For more information on the campaign visit the Mississippi State Conference of the NAACP on Facebook and Twitter.


Source: NAACP Writers

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