Press Release: Mississippi State Conference NAACP Responds to Discovery of Noose Hangings and Hate Signs on State Capitol Grounds

Mississippi State Conference NAACP Responds to Discovery of Noose Hangings and Hate Signs on State Capitol Grounds

Mississippi State Conference NAACP (MS NAACP) leaders learned today that multiple nooses and several handwritten signs were discovered on the grounds of the Mississippi State Capitol. While much of the information about the incident is still unknown, we firmly believe the current climate of racial and cultural insensitivity has contributed to a decline in civil discourse. We recognize this moment as further evidence of the need to actively engage in the political process and hold our elected officials accountable for their rhetoric and voting records. We will continue to defend the civil and human rights of everyone in Mississippi and will work diligently to defeat hate wherever or however it materializes. We are mindful of the vicious cycle of intimidation and divisiveness that has created the current political climate that at best disenfranchises minority voters, and at worst is a threat to their wellbeing. We will continue to encourage and support efforts to ensure all Mississippians can participate in the political process and become more civically engaged.


About the Mississippi State Conference NAACP
Formed in 1945, the Mississippi State Conference NAACP (MS NAACP) has been on the frontlines of all major civil rights battles in the state and across the South. With a revolving membership of more than 11,000 and at least one member in 74 of Mississippi’s 82 counties, the MS NAACP advocates for economic, educational, political and social justice for all people to ensure a society that is free from racial discrimination and division.

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